Advice wanted: Wanting to play video clips as they arrive. Appsrc? fdsrc?

Piper984 mclennan at
Mon Oct 10 18:54:21 UTC 2016

Hello Forum,

I have a process where (1) a small camera system generates H264 video
segments ~ every 10 seconds,  (2) a small application  encodes the H264 into
MP4, (3) the video segment file is transferred to a file server, and finally
(4) the video clip is registered in a database.  

I need to write an application that will play the videos sequentially with
no gap, loading and playing the new video clips as they arrive (well,
getting the next clip from the database). So far I've tried the Playbin
element where I set the url property to the next video clip when the
_AboutToFinish event fires.  However, there are some gap in the play back
using this method.  I've also tried to just pipe the output of files into a
named pipe and then feed the Gtreamer pipeline from the fdsrc element, but
this is is really brittle and gets stuck more often than I've been able to
get it work.

Does anyone know if an existing example of someone doing a similar
application like this?  From reading docs online, I think I *could* hook up
the appsrc element to a method that preloads each video clip in memory, and
then give chunks of the clip to the app's buffer request?  But it's seems
there should be an easier method ?

Any advice is appreciated! It seems to me like I am making this harder than
it needs to be. Thanks!

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