[RFC] provide a bin to GstRtspMediaFactory

Eloi Bail eloi.bail at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 15:41:40 UTC 2017

> You can provide a custom bin for the part of the pipeline that has the
> sources up to the payloader, and catch messages of those elements.
> All the other elements in the RTSP server pipeline are not under your
> control but something the RTSP server manages. Do you need to catch any
> messages of those elements, and if so, what for?
> <https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/gstreamer-devel>
Something like this:

videotestsrc -> tee -> queue -> *annotationElement* -> x264enc ->
rtph264pay name=pay0
                              -> queue -> *motionDetector* -> fakesink

motionDetector would send messages to annotationElement.

Otherwise, could I subclass GstRTSPMedia, overwrite handle_message, check
my custom message and call the parent message handler of GstRTSPMedia ?
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