Rotating video when using compositor (and not losing off-edge-pixels)

Sean DuBois sean at
Sun Dec 17 06:48:32 UTC 2017

I am trying to rotate a video by degrees that are not divisible by 90.
Like this [0] pipeline . However I am not able to find any solutions
that don't involve losing pixels and/or support alpha.

So far the best thing I have found is videoflip, and it works well for

Does anyone know a solution, and if not would an element be welcome for
this? Or maybe I can add a patch to rotate (but for my use case I would
want the sink to always have alpha) and the height/width would be
re-calculated every time the angle changed.


[0] gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! rotate angle=5 ! compositor sink_0::xpos=200 sink_0::ypos=200 ! video/x-raw,width=1280,height=720 ! autovideosink

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