Is better use a plugin or appsrc API?

Roberto Barumerli roberto.baru at
Mon Feb 13 17:02:40 UTC 2017

Hi all,
I am struggling with the gstreamer enviroment.

I am trying to figure how to create an application, or a plugin, that from
a set of frames. I have to sequence them into a video and than save it into
a file.
The frames are a set of a images and their timing is based on a text file
with the milliseconds.

In example:
<img1.jpg, 0ms>
<img2.jpg, 100ms>
<img3.jpg, 250ms>
<img4.jpg, 400ms>
<img5.jpg, 700ms>

I read about plugins and about appsrc... but I do not understand which is a
better choice. Someone could help me?

Thanks in advance,
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