Need Help to send GStreamer H264/AAC packets to Wowza Streaming Engine

Nicolas Castillejos djos06 at
Wed Feb 22 09:02:01 UTC 2017

Hi Nicolas,

1) Yes it's AMF Format, Wowza allow developpers to feed a stream internally
(from java code of a Wowza Custom Module) , using this format. I could do
rtmp to feed the stream, I know how to do it with rtmpsink but I don't do it
for security reasons/constraints. I don't want my video stream to be
available on network in clear. I want to Keep it internal to code.

2) I don't know why but Wowza is asking for frame type and dts-pts
difference, I think it is for this reason my stream is not readable after
launching it. I don't see any other reasons.

Nicolas Castillejos

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