Recording 2 way RTP communication in wav file

Tim Müller tim at
Tue Jan 10 17:30:02 UTC 2017

On Mon, 2017-01-09 at 04:54 -0800, vrastogi1978 wrote:


> I want to store the RTP communication between two parties in a wav
> format using gstreamer .The wav file should contain both side audio
> conversation. It should be muxed. Suppose I have Party A and Party B
> and RTP is flowing between A---->B and B--->A. So I want record the
> whole communication. I was trying to do it using RTPmux plugin.I am
> not sure if it would be helpful. Please let me know the command gst-
> launch which can be used to do the same. Please let me know if
> anything is not clear.

A .wav file can only contain one stream, so either you use a different
container that can take multiple audio streams, or you decode both
streams, mix them together (e.g. with audiomixer, or with interleave),
and then put the result in a .wav file (either raw or encoded).


Tim Müller, Centricular Ltd -

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