Cerbero & MinGW Version

Roland Peffer gdevel at clixxun.com
Wed Jul 5 06:34:43 UTC 2017


I think I found the real reason for my problems:

What I have are undefined references to __gxx_personality_v0 or runtime errors like 
“the procedure entry point __gxx_personality_v0 could not be located <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18668003/the-procedure-entry-point-gxx-personality-v0-could-not-be-located>” 
“the procedure entry point __gxx_personality_sj0 could not be located <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18668003/the-procedure-entry-point-gxx-personality-v0-could-not-be-located>” 

when I tried to mix Qt and gstreamer builds under windows.

The errors are only related to plugins that are linked against the stdc++ library.

My first idea was that this is related to the different MinGW Version ( 5.3.0 coming with QT , and 4.7.3 from cerebro build).

But after I managed to run a cerbero cross build  for win32 under Linux  with the distribution provided gcc 5.3.1
the problem was still there.

The real problem is related to 2 different ways of exception handling in gcc:
https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/WindowsGCCImprovements <https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/WindowsGCCImprovements>
The Qt build uses DWARF-2 (DW2) -> __gxx_personality_v0
and the cebero cross builds use setjmp/longjmp (SJLJ) exception handling -> __gxx_personality_sj0

Anyone had the same issue yet and found an easy solution?

Regards Roland

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