mp4 by 'mp4mux' plays too fast and is not seekable

ivan-perez ivan at
Tue Mar 7 16:06:57 UTC 2017

Hi there

I'm saving a MP4 video file out of a H264 stream, generated with the
raspivid command. The problem I've seen is that some video players can't
handle the MP4 file correctly. I've tried Windows Media Player, and the
Android-Chrome stock browser (the videos are intended to be played within a
webapp) and in both videos are playing very fast (maybe 20x of normal
speed), and I can't seek them. However the total length of the videos is
correctly computed for both players, but can't move past ~10% of the total
length (for example, I've recorded a 1-minute video, Windows Media Player
shows correctly that the video is 1-minute long, but it plays it completely
in about 8 seconds).

The only player where it works well is VLC, there I've no problems, I can
seek and it plays at the correct framerate.

The pipeline:

           ! h264parse
           ! mp4mux faststart=true
           ! filesink location=test.mp4

I've tried to set the 'faststart' parameter to true, but it doesn't fix my
problem. What else could I try?

As always, thank you very much!!

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