mp4 by 'mp4mux' plays too fast and is not seekable

Tim Müller tim at
Wed Mar 8 09:42:07 UTC 2017

On Tue, 2017-03-07 at 23:24 -0800, ivan-perez wrote:


> I can't use 'rpicamsrc' anymore. The reason is that I want to record
> at least two simulateneous streams (I want them to be added and
> removed dynamically), and as far as I've seen 'rpicamsrc' doesn't
> allow it - when there's one instance recording from the camera, the
> next one fails, because the camera is in use.

Right, that's kind of expected I guess :)

>  I've also tried to 'tee' but I got no results.

I believe "tee" should work. Maybe post a small example app that
doesn't work so we can look at what you're doing and figure out why it
doesn't work as expected.

> Is there a way to correct the stream? How can I find if the problem
> is really about the stream not being correctly timestamped?

fdsrc doesn't set timestamps and h264parse presumably just makes up
timestamps based on some framerate (25fps? 30fps). It's really not a
good solution, fdsrc isn't meant for this usecase. You could capture
from the library and push buffers manually into the pipeline(s) with
appsrc though, if you configure appsrc accordingly (do-timestamp, time
format, live).

Tim Müller, Centricular Ltd -

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