RTP DTS/PTS result in varying mp4 frame durations

Nicolas Dufresne nicolas at ndufresne.ca
Thu Mar 16 15:11:36 UTC 2017

Le jeudi 16 mars 2017 à 06:10 +0000, Jim Morris a écrit :
> My temporary solution is to set DTS=PTS in mp4mux (minor
> modifications to gst_qt_pad_adjust_buffer_dts() in gstqtmux.c to
> adjust DTS for every frame).  This fix produces a much "cleaner" mp4
> that steps frame-by-frame consistently.  This fix does not handle B-
> frames, which is ok for our streams.

This is a known issue. Someone need to look at that and find a
solution. I think the h264 depayloader could at least detect the case
without B-Frame, and set the DTS to the "jitter-free" PTS value.

The other plausible solution is to leave DTS as none and let h264parse
fix it for us. Would need work on baseparse, which annoying tries to
create DTS if none. I have personally no idea why baseparse do
timestamp, most of the time it's doing it wrong.

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