Encode YUV420 buffer with appsrc

Nicolas Dufresne nicolas at ndufresne.ca
Fri Oct 6 19:42:10 UTC 2017

Le vendredi 06 octobre 2017 à 11:41 -0700, pchaurasia a écrit :
> I would like to encode output of my opencv algorithm. THe buffer to
> encode is
> not available exactly at 33 ms for encoder to encode at 30 fps.  It
> seems
> there are two way I can send buffer-to-be-encoded to appsrc
> a) VideoWriter::write method.
>     GstCaps *caps;
>     string aaDebugPipeline          = "appsrc name=myappsrc !
> autovideoconvert ! omxh265enc ! matroskamux ! filesink
> location=test.mkv ";    
>     m_ppipeline                        =
> gst_parse_launch(aaDebugPipeline.c_str(),NULL);
>     g_assert (m_ppipeline);
>     m_pappsrc                          = gst_bin_get_by_name
> (GST_BIN(m_ppipeline), "myappsrc");
>     g_assert (m_pappsrc);
> 	caps = gst_caps_new_simple ("video/x-raw",
> 			"format",G_TYPE_STRING,"I420",
> 			"bpp",G_TYPE_INT,12,
> 			"depth",G_TYPE_INT,8,
> 			"width", G_TYPE_INT, 1920,
> 			"height", G_TYPE_INT, 1080,
> 			"pitch", G_TYPE_INT, 2048,

This field is invalid and will be ignored. You need to use both caps
and VideoMeta.

> 			"framerate", GST_TYPE_FRACTION, 30, 1,
> 			NULL);
>     gst_app_src_set_caps(GST_APP_SRC(appsrc), caps);
>      GstStateChangeReturn state_ret =
> gst_element_set_state((GstElement*)m_ppipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING);
>      g_warning("set state returned %d\n", state_ret);  
>    m_videoWriter.open(aaDebugPipeline,0, (double)30, cv::Size(1920,
> 1080),
> false);
>    if (!m_videoWriter.isOpened()) {
>       REPORT_ERROR("can't create writer\n");
>       exit(1);
>    }
> // call VideoWriter::write
> m_videoWriter.write (cv::Mat imgY)  
> However I am not able to specify format of buffer while calling
> m_videoWriter::write() . Is there a way I can specify video frame
> format to
> m_videoWriter.write() , in this methods ?
> b) Can attach GstVideoMeta to a GstBuffer and pass that buffer to
> gst_app_src_push_buffer().
> void initAppSrc()
> {
>     GstStateChangeReturn state_ret;
>     m_offset[0] = m_offset[1] = m_offset[2] = 0;
>     m_stride[0] = 2048; // TBD : FIXME : no magic no
>     m_stride[1] = 1024; 
>     m_stride[2] = 1024;
>     m_ppipeline            =
> (GstPipeline*)gst_pipeline_new("mypipeline");
>     m_pappsrc              =
> (GstAppSrc*)gst_element_factory_make("appsrc",
> "aa-appsrc");
>     m_pvideoConvert        =
> gst_element_factory_make("autovideoconvert",
> "aa-videoconvert");
>     m_pencoder             = gst_element_factory_make("omxh265enc",
> "aa-videoencoder");
>     m_pmux                 = gst_element_factory_make("matroskamux",
> "aa-mux");
>     m_pfsink               = gst_element_factory_make("filesink",
> "aa-filesink");
>     g_assert(m_ppipeline);
>     g_assert(m_pappsrc);
>     g_assert(m_pvideoConvert);
>     g_assert(m_pencoder);
>     g_assert(m_pmux);
>     g_assert(m_pfsink);
>     g_signal_connect(m_pappsrc, "need-data", G_CALLBACK(start_feed),
> this);
>     g_signal_connect(m_pappsrc, "enough-data", G_CALLBACK(stop_feed),
> this);
>     g_object_set( G_OBJECT( m_pfsink ), "location", "test1.mkv", NULL
> ); 
>     gst_bin_add_many(GST_BIN(m_ppipeline), (GstElement*)m_pappsrc,
> m_pvideoConvert, m_pencoder, m_pmux, m_pfsink, NULL);
>     if(!gst_element_link_many((GstElement*)m_pappsrc,
> m_pvideoConvert,
> m_pencoder, m_pmux, m_pfsink)){
>        g_warning("failed to link appsrc, autovideoconvert, encoder,
> muxer,
> and filesink");
>     }
>     state_ret = gst_element_set_state((GstElement*)m_ppipeline,
>     g_warning("set state returned %d\n", state_ret);
> }
> static gboolean read_data(gst_app_t *app)
> {
> // I would need to wait for opencv output here ; 
> // Can this thread block ??

It's usually a bad idea to block in an idle callback, if you had a UI
running ont he GMainLoop thread, you'd get a big disaster.

Instead, block directly in the need-data callback by looping and
pushing and stop when enough-data has callcack (just set a state when
this is called, it will likely be called while you are pushing in a re-
entrant fashion).

> }
> static void start_feed (GstElement * pipeline, guint size, gst_app_t
> *app)
> {
>  if (app->sourceid == 0) {
>   GST_DEBUG ("start feeding");
>   app->sourceid = g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) read_data, app);
>  }
> }
> static void stop_feed (GstElement * pipeline, gst_app_t *app)
> {
>  if (app->sourceid != 0) {
>   GST_DEBUG ("stop feeding");
>   g_source_remove (app->sourceid);
>   app->sourceid = 0;
>  }
> }
> void pushFrame()
> {
>     int size              = 1920*1080*1.5;
>     m_pgstBuffer          = gst_buffer_new_wrapped_full(
> (GstMemoryFlags)0,
> (gpointer)(img.data), size, 0, size, NULL, NULL );
>     m_pgstVideoMeta       =
> gst_buffer_add_video_meta_full(m_pgstBuffer,GST_VIDEO_FRAME_FLAG_NONE
> ,
> GST_VIDEO_FORMAT_I420, 1920,1080, 3, m_offset, m_stride );
>     //ref buffer to give copy to appsrc
>     gst_buffer_ref(m_pgstBuffer);
>     GstFlowReturn ret;
>     ret                  =
> gst_app_src_push_buffer((GstAppSrc*)m_pappsrc,
> m_pgstBuffer);
>     if(ret != GST_FLOW_OK)
>     {
>         g_printerr("could not push buffer\n");
>         g_printerr("ret enum: %i\n", ret);
>     }
>     //dec. ref count so that we can edit data on next run
>     gst_buffer_unref(m_pgstBuffer);
> }
> Here I am able to specify input GstBuffer format. But do not quite know how
> to supply output of my opencv code to a function like pushFrame() ? Or
> alternatively, if I make a queue between output of my opencv and appsrc read
> function , read_data(), can this function block and wait for opencv output
> to arrive ?

appsrc already provide a queue, just configure it's size and enough-
data will tell you when it's full.

> Thanks
> --
> Sent from: http://gstreamer-devel.966125.n4.nabble.com/
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