gst-plugin-scan (dvdemux) and selinux

Nicolas Dufresne nicolas at
Mon Feb 19 15:22:27 UTC 2018

Le lundi 19 février 2018 à 09:21 +0100, Andrea Vai a écrit :
> Hi,
>   I constantly get notifications from selinux complaining about a
> dvdemux problem.
> As you can see in
> it seems that "gst-plugin-scan" is 
> trying to make stack executable which is possible attack or possible
> bug in code
> thus I am asking here. 
> Could anybody help to solve this issue?
> Thank you very much,
> Andrea
> (gstreamer 0.10.36, fedora 27)
> ____________________________________

I'm sorry, but GStreamer 0.10.36 is no longer supported. It's not clear
from your report if you notice this error or if you really care about
DV support here. Could you clarify ? Meanwhile, my recommandation would
be to not install this plugin in your legacy GStreamer 0.10 support. Be
aware that making the stack executable is not something we usually do
in GStreamer, but GStreamer depends on many libraries, I bet the DV
library we are using is to be looked at.

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