gst-plugin-scan (dvdemux) and selinux

Andrea Vai andrea.vai at
Tue Feb 20 12:11:05 UTC 2018

  thank you for your reply.

> Il giorno lun, 19/02/2018 alle 15.22, Nicolas Dufresne ha scritto:
> I'm sorry, but GStreamer 0.10.36 is no longer supported. It's not
> clear
> from your report if you notice this error or if you really care
> about
> DV support here. Could you clarify ?
I simply noticed the error and was wondering how to get rid of it. I
actually don't know for sure whether I need DV support or not. If it
is needed to play DV files captured from a ieee1394 DV camera, then I
think the answer is yes.

>  Meanwhile, my recommandation
> would
> be to not install this plugin in your legacy GStreamer 0.10 support.
Ok thank you. Are you talking about gst-plugin-scan? How could I do
it? Sorry but I didn't find the answer by myself. 

> Be
> aware that making the stack executable is not something we usually
> do
> in GStreamer, but GStreamer depends on many libraries, I bet the DV
> library we are using is to be looked at.

Thank you for the explanation; do you know how to contact possibly the
 developers of the DV library you are using?

(sorry for some silly questions but I am not an expert).


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