Pipeline description

Bin Zhu minc.zhubin at gmail.com
Tue Mar 6 23:47:42 UTC 2018

 Hi All,

I'm looking at the python example for dtlssrtpenc element here:
in the pipeline description, what does ".rtp_sink_0" (starting with a dot)
mean?  I tried to find it in the document but couldn't find any other
examples. I know I can use "xxx.xxx" if there are named elements.

def dtls_tx_pipeline_description(name, is_client, port):
    return ' ! '.join([
        'audiotestsrc is-live=true',
        'audio/x-raw, rate=8000, format=S16LE, channels=1',
        'opusenc frame-size=10',
        'rtpopuspay pt=103',
        '*.rtp_sink_0* dtlssrtpenc connection-id={name}
is-client={client} *.src*',
        'udpsink port={port}'
    ]).format(name=name, client=is_client, port=port)

Thanks in advance.

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