Gstreamer WebRTC SFU

roy_ros roy.ros.cobo at
Sat Mar 31 19:23:04 UTC 2018

Thanks for answer, i did how you said but now i found the problem what is
that the srcpad and the sinkpad doesnt link, this is where i do it:

then i just connect the signals and

So i have two diferent options to get the sinkpads of the outBin, the first
one get a padType: x-srtcp the second one is the right x-rtp, even though
both ways get GST_PAD_LINK_FAILED == FALSE, then with both ways i got
gst_pad_is_linked == FALSE. 

So the problem should be that the src new_pad doesnt link with the sinkPad i
create, thats why i got an empty stream to the browser 2 because webrtcbin2
SDP is empty.

Im pretty sure the problem is about how i do my outBin, i order the queues
wrong or i miss some converter or other component.
Maybe i need to link one for one instead do a parse_bin_from_description but
i have tried everything and it doesn't works.

Could you say how should do the branch of components to link the src new_pad
with the new webrtcbin2 and make it work?

Thank you so much!!!

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University of Strathclyde

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