multipad webrtcbin

roy_ros roy.ros.cobo at
Thu Mar 29 17:38:34 UTC 2018

Hello im trying to develope an gstreamer webrtc SFU.

My question is if its possible to have an webrtcbin with multiple pads?
I want to have for example webrtcbin1 connected to the gstreamer from the
browser and this one have one stream to the gstreamer server (video only)
sending the webcam media and the gstreamer sending a videotestsrc.
But then when i do the same connection with a webrtcbin2 with the browser 2
and webrtcbin2 fires the signal pad-added i want to add this
webrctbin2_srcpad to a new sinkpad of the webrtcbin1 and renegotiates the
connection to get to streams in the browser 1.

Is this possible? and how to do it?

Thank you in advance.

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