AW: At which element's src pad in the pipeline, can the video frame be considered as one single independent video frame?

Thornton, Keith keith.thornton at
Thu Nov 15 16:03:24 UTC 2018

Hi, If yuu have B or P frames in your H264 stream then the src pad of the decoder is the first place where you definitely will have a full frame. I didn't understand your commet that you will have different formats here. If you use a caps filter between decoder and sink you will have a known format.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: gstreamer-devel [mailto:gstreamer-devel-bounces at] Im Auftrag von vk_gst
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 15. November 2018 15:47
An: gstreamer-devel at
Betreff: At which element's src pad in the pipeline, can the video frame be considered as one single independent video frame?


In the following pipeline: 

udpsrc -> caps(rtp) -> rtpbin(recv_rtp_sink) -> rtph264depay -> h264parse ->
avdec_h264 -> autovideosink

The srcpad of rtph264depay and h264parse provides data of type -

At which element's src pad, is one complete video frame available that can be considered as an independent unit? 

1. at udpsrc and rtpbin, several packets belonging to one frame, or other frames are received and a probe with GST_BUFFER_PUSH cannot be considered as a single independent frame.
2. Definitely, the src-pad of avdec_h264 gives out video frame of different formats like RGB,YUV, etc. 

But I was wondering if this information of a single independent frame is available at the srcpads of rtph264pay or h264parse. Could these data stream at the srcpads of rtph264depay or h264parse be considered as a single frame data? I am assuming here that a single buffer push corresponds to a single frame here in this context. 

The reason, I want this info is that I want to add a probe and be notified at the instant a complete independent frame is available to my application. 


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