how to start multiple threads of one plugin for upstream queued buffers?

eschanti eschanti at
Sat Sep 22 07:14:01 UTC 2018


Say we have following pipeline,

videosrc ! queue !  processplugin 

How can processplugin created multiple thread for buffers in queue? Will
this be automatically done by gstreamer? 

If not, how can achieve this in two different ways?

1. if we are the author of processplugin, how can query upstream queuing
buffers, and get each of them?
2. if we can only use it, how can we do it by write the pipeline, will there
some plugin to switch specific
    buffers to downstream?
    some thing like: 
        videosrc ! queue !  map ... 1 --> processplugin -->  requeue --> 
                                   .        .. 2 --> processplugin -->  

Thanks in advance.

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