Difficulty getting a good example of the RTSP server running under Windows

Ben Rush ben at ben-rush.net
Mon Apr 15 20:32:08 UTC 2019


I seem to have missed the parameters for playbin. One of the important ones
in my situation is the latency setting. Making new my script as
follows: .\gst-launch-1.0.exe playbin uri=rtsp://
uridecodebin0::source::latency=250, which resolved the issue for me (so now
I get a steady stream of alternating white/black). So, your insight that
it's fully on the client appeared to be quite correct.

Apparently, I need to dig into the latency settings within VLC and figure
out why it's behaving oddly (still) in that platform. However, I think
you've given me enough to run with. Thanks a bunch.

I may ask another question sometime soon about the Intel plugins since
you've had luck with those as well.


On Mon, Apr 15, 2019 at 9:32 AM Ben Rush <ben at ben-rush.net> wrote:

> Keith,
> Thanks for your response. So, I just got into the office and have started
> working with some of your suggestions. To keep the conversation from
> getting confusing, I'll focus in on one problem at a time: the use of the
> first example and the appsrc plugin.
> So, I was able to get it working using a GStreamer client, as you
> suggested. However, playback isn't smooth, which concerns me. I see in the
> code we seem to be responsible for setting the timestamp and I'm wondering
> if perhaps the example I'm working with just isn't meant to reflect a
> production-ready solution. The fact that the presentation time is erratic
> from the client side seems to be a good theory as to what's causing my
> issues (thanks for that). If that's the case, I'd like to find an example
> which does. I made a quick video to show you what I'm experiencing. First,
> let me share with you the client command I'm using to play the stream:
> .\gst-launch-1.0.exe playbin uri=rtsp://
> And again, the code I'm using is exactly the same code as the example.
> This is what playback looks like:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46T3TOOI0Lo&feature=youtu.be
> If this was a heart monitor for a patient, the patient would have a
> serious arrhythmia :)
> And I guess the other concern I have is what you meant when you said the
> issue is on the client. Ultimately we'll likely be contained to mostly just
> Gstreamer code, but we will need to support VLC for debugging purposes too.
> Again, though, I think what I'm likely experiencing is the need to be more
> mindful of timestamps than I needed to be when using Live555. So, any
> example code you're aware of that shows how to smartly send timestamps? Or
> perhaps something in my GStreamer plugin pipeline I should add to better
> support a smoother playback (interspersing some queues or something?). I'll
> also spend some more time investigating other RTSP examples for possible
> solutions.
> Thanks again,
> Ben
> On Mon, Apr 15, 2019 at 7:37 AM Ben Rush <ben at ben-rush.net> wrote:
>> Thank you so much for your feedback. I'll try your suggestions and report
>> back.
>> On Mon, Apr 15, 2019, 01:14 Thornton, Keith <keith.thornton at zeiss.com
>> wrote:
>>> Hi, I have a streaming Server running on windows which is based on
>>> appsrc. It Works well. I also use the Intel Media SDK Encoder. I am
>>> currently using the msdkh264enc Plugin which is part of the 1.15 and 1.16
>>> release. The problems you are seeing are client side problems. If you use a
>>> gstreamer based client, the stuttering at the start doesn’t occur. The
>>> black screen may be due to the client throwing the frames away because they
>>> are past the presentation time. Check this by turning the VLC messages to
>>> level 2 and by using wireshark to observe the arrival of the frames on the
>>> client side.
>>> Gruesse
>>> *Von:* gstreamer-devel <gstreamer-devel-bounces at lists.freedesktop.org> *Im
>>> Auftrag von *Ben Rush
>>> *Gesendet:* Montag, 15. April 2019 05:45
>>> *An:* Discussion of the development of and with GStreamer <
>>> gstreamer-devel at lists.freedesktop.org>
>>> *Betreff:* Difficulty getting a good example of the RTSP server running
>>> under Windows
>>> I'm trying to find a good starting point upon which to develop an RTSP
>>> streaming server application using GStreamer and RTSP on Windows. I've
>>> installed GStreamer as per these instructions:
>>> https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/documentation/installing/on-windows.html,
>>> however, the samples specific to the RTSP server thus far haven't worked
>>> very well, and I'm wondering if others have any input/experience.
>>> First, this example:
>>> https://github.com/GStreamer/gst-rtsp-server/blob/master/examples/test-appsrc.c builds
>>> and runs, but the output (at least when viewed over VLC) is just a black
>>> screen. The client connects, and the scrubber shows time moving forward,
>>> but the video is black. Examining the code, it appears it ought to
>>> alternate between black and white, but it does not.
>>> If I adapt that example to use videotestsrc as the video source, setting
>>> the string parameter of gst_rtsp_media_factory_set_launch to "(
>>> videotestsrc is-live=true ! videoconvert ! x264enc tune=zerolatency
>>> speed-preset=veryfast ! rtph264pay name=pay0 pt=96 )", I get the "color
>>> bars" and white noise video, but it stutters for a second or two, and then
>>> pauses for exactly ten seconds and then starts to play normally. I use the
>>> x264 encoder in the Live555 streaming server, and with similar parameters,
>>> I get no stutter in playback. I have to believe this is an encoder setting
>>> and not a failure of the RTSP server, but adjusting different parameters
>>> doesn't seem to impact this stutter. Obviously, in our production
>>> environment, we cannot have this kind of stutter.
>>> Finally, I have been completely unable to get any of the Intel Media SDK
>>> to work, specifically their x264 encoder, and I'm curious if anyone has any
>>> experience there either. I know this isn't a group specific to these
>>> plugins, but perhaps someone has experience with these plugins. I opened
>>> the following issue on their repo:
>>> https://github.com/intel/gstreamer-media-SDK/issues/169, but thus far
>>> haven't heard anything.
>>> I think what I'm looking for is just feedback to these issues so I can
>>> build confidence this will work on Windows. I haven't tried these
>>> particular examples on Linux, but on a couple of occasions, I've had a lot
>>> more luck getting GStreamer samples running as advertised under Ubuntu than
>>> Windows. I need them to run on Windows.
>>> Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks a bunch for your time.
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