udpsrc/udpsink with ipv6

MaZderMind ml at mazdermind.de
Wed Feb 20 15:39:44 UTC 2019


Am 20.02.19 um 16:01 schrieb dpw157:
> hey thanks MaZderMind for the info i will also add the network-interface from
> now on, but i have a question. If my router not having ipv6 enabled didnt
> matter. Why did the stream work after i enabled it. Is it likely something
> else was going on and was the problem. Im still new to this so im sorry if
> im glossing over something basic.

Just guessing: Enabling v6 on your router has probably enabled an IPv6
Prefix delegation which gave your devices true, routable IPv6 adresses
(additionally to the Link-Local-Adresses) that do not need the
Interface-Name appended.

You probably chose one of those dynamic or mgnt-Adresses.


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