subtitleoverlay does not show subtitle sometimes

longkas longkas at
Fri Oct 11 08:46:13 UTC 2019

It shows different result on different machines, also different on Windows
and Linux. 

1) I want to check if theres data flow on the subtitleoverlay, the function
works as I want after I added a probe callback on the srt file element,
though the probe callback did nothing except printing a log. It worked but I
dont know how, I removed the probe callback and the issue happens again.

2) I have tried to add queue element on the subtitleoverlay sinks, still not

3) I have tried to set the elements to PLAYING state just after each element
is added to the pipeline, or change the state after all elements are added,
both not work

I'm stuck with this issue for a long time, any suggestion is appreciated.

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