tcpserversrc plugin received EOS message when client is fcomplete

karimchtx karim_atiki at
Tue Dec 1 08:33:16 UTC 2020


I'm tryiing to prototype a basic client/server to stream voice over ethernet
using gstreamer and python bindings.

On the server side, I wrote the following pipeline (running on linux)

/pipeline = Gst.parse_launch('tcpserversrc host= port=3000  !
audioconvert ! audioresample ! mypluginsink')

On the client side, a basic pipeline to stream from the microphone (running
on w10):

/gst-launch-1.0 directsoundsrc ! audio/x-raw, endianness=1234, signed=true,
width=16, depth=16, rate=44100, channels=1, format=S16LE ! audioconvert !
tcpclientsink host= port=3000

It works fine.
As I launch the client, I have the following logs on the server:

:00:00.042089283 18031      0x17592c0 DEBUG           tcpserversrc
gsttcpserversrc.c:411:gst_tcp_server_src_start:<tcpserversrc0> IP address
for host is
0:00:00.042232221 18031      0x17592c0 DEBUG           tcpserversrc
gsttcpserversrc.c:426:gst_tcp_server_src_start:<tcpserversrc0> opened
receiving server socket
0:00:00.042244461 18031      0x17592c0 DEBUG           tcpserversrc
gsttcpserversrc.c:429:gst_tcp_server_src_start:<tcpserversrc0> binding
server socket to address
0:00:00.042258213 18031      0x17592c0 DEBUG           tcpserversrc
gsttcpserversrc.c:435:gst_tcp_server_src_start:<tcpserversrc0> listening on
server socket
0:00:00.042266942 18031      0x17592c0 DEBUG           tcpserversrc
gsttcpserversrc.c:452:gst_tcp_server_src_start:<tcpserversrc0> listening on
port 3000
Entering main loop.
0:00:43.054073351 18031      0x1515a30 DEBUG           tcpserversrc
gsttcpserversrc.c:197:gst_tcp_server_src_create:<tcpserversrc0> closing
server socket/

I can speak into the mic, and the server does the job.
But as I quit the client program, I have the following logs on the server:

/0:01:28.784458656 18031      0x1515a30 DEBUG           tcpserversrc
gsttcpserversrc.c:256:gst_tcp_server_src_create:<tcpserversrc0> Connection
Received EOS-Event on bus, exiting/

I don't understand why it received EOS message when the client closes its
Is there a way to tune the server pipeline so that it keeps on listening to
the source address ?



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