Gstremer compatibility with android 10+ devices

Purva gevaria.purva at
Tue Dec 1 14:21:22 UTC 2020

I am developing android application I am facing issues while live streaming
in android 10 devices.
App works fine with android 7 devices. Here is the error Error received from
decodebin0 : on Android 10 device,
Your gstreamer installation is missing plugin.
../sys/androidmedia/gst-android-hardware-camera.c:1616:_init_classes Failed
to initialize android.hardware.Camera classes: Failed to call Java method:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class
"org/freedesktop/gstreamer/androidmedia/GstAhcCallback" on path:
DexPathList[[zip file
/system/lib64, /vendor/lib64]]

I figured out that issues is with libgstandroidmedia.a which is prebuilt
file. Is there any way to get this file source code or modify this file so
that I can make this library compatible to Android 10 ?
I have been using gstremer source from below link

Any help or guidance would be appreciated

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