NVidia components

Tim Müller tim at centricular.com
Thu Jan 9 10:21:41 UTC 2020

On Wed, 2020-01-08 at 19:55 -0800, Brian Dilley wrote:

Hi Brian,

> I'm using GStreamer on a Linux EC2 instance with a GPU on Amazon
> AWS.  I've verified that a /dev/nvidia0 device exists (it's the
> p2.xlarge instance) and is operational.  I've followed the
> instructions in the NVidia PDF linked below for setting up the
> hardware accelerated stuff for GStreamer - but when i use gst-inspect 
> I do not see any of the OMX plugins, nor any of the other plugins
> that support hardware accelerated "stuff" with GStreamer.  Might
> there be something I'm missing?  As I write this I see that the PDF
> says that it's for the nvidia Jetson hardware - are there any ways to
> get it working on an amazon instance?
> Here's the PDF:
> https://developer.download.nvidia.com/embedded/L4T/r31_Release_v1.0/Docs/Accelerated_GStreamer_User_Guide.pdf
> Thanks in advance!

As you noticed, the PDF is for NVIDIA's embedded devices, things work
different with desktop hardware.

To make things work there you need to grab the NVIDIA Codec SDK


and then build the nvcodec plugin in gst-plugins-bad.

If it's an option for you I would try and build GStreamer master first
(with gst-build), since the NVIDIA stuff is a bit easier to build
there, and also more featureful.

In 1.16 there are separate nvdec/nvenc plugins instead and you will
have to pass the SDK locations etc to the build system (iirc).


Tim Müller, Centricular Ltd - http://www.centricular.com

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