does sending silence to audiomixer work

Jaime Nualart jnualart at
Tue Jan 14 21:55:51 UTC 2020

Hello all,

I am troubleshooting an issue with what is probably a fairly basic audio pipeline: a constant audiotestsrc input, plus some additional inputs that come and go from the pipeline, fed through an audiomixer, then tee'd to various outputs.

By default the audiotestsrc is set to wave form "silence" (and volume=0) and is mainly present to keep the pipeline in playing state when there are no other inputs attached. I find that when I attach a filesrc, the resulting audio is often not correct (sounds clipped ... verified by recording the output). However, if I set the audiotestsrc to, say, wave form 0 (sine) (and a non-0 volume), I no longer have any issues.

Enabling debug with audioaggregator:6, and setting wave=4 (or volume=0), I see (possibly?) every buffer being marked/detected as a "GAP buffer". Is this expected behavior?

The following pipeline reproduces this:
GST_DEBUG=audioaggregator:6 gst-launch-1.0 audiotestsrc is-live=true do-timestamp=true volume=0 freq=100 ! audiomixer name=mix ! audioconvert ! alsasink

Am I chasing the wrong thing here?
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