wrapping my head around clocksync

ruben malchow ruben.malchow at gmail.com
Sat Jun 27 15:08:02 UTC 2020


i am currently using a handcompiled version 1.17.1 on fedora to play with
the new clocksync element. to test cross-host syncing, i have three
identical VMs, one acting as the "server", and two acting as "clients".
currently, i am trying to get a basic setup to work with udpsink and
udpsrc, although eventually, i would love to be able to tcp-stream vorbis.

my issues start at the very beginning: the second i start introducing
clocksync, things get extremely choppy. so this works fine:

gst-launch-1.0 uridecodebin uri="http://[mp3 stream]" ! audioconvert !
queue !  alsasink

while this:

gst-launch-1.0 uridecodebin uri="http://[mp3 stream]" ! audioconvert !
queue ! clocksync ts-offset=100000 !  alsasink

gets extremely choppy (for any value of ts-offset)

what i really want is to have this:

   [any source] -> [normalize] -> [vorbis enc] ->  [tcp server sink]

   [tcpclientsrc] -> [vorbis dec] -> [clocksync] -> [alsa]

tcp or udp multicast doesnt really make a difference now - the point is
more that i dont really have a good grasp of the model behind all this to
easily build this. also, documentation on how to configure the clock is ...
sparse? i would appreciate any simple examples and hints regarding the sync
(which is, in my opinion, a really great addition).

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