Sample Plugin Created from gst-plugin Boilerplate Wont Compile

vincent911001 vincent.sin.chiax.tan at
Thu Mar 26 06:53:35 UTC 2020

Hi guys,

I have followed the instruction available in Plugin Development Basics in
constructing the boilerplate for my sample plugin.

../tools/make_element HelloWorld

After that, I have modified the in gst-plugin directory to
include the generated source files namely /gsthelloworld.h/ and

helloworld_sources = [

gsthelloworld = library('gsthelloworld',
  c_args: plugin_c_args,
  dependencies : [gst_dep],
  install : true,
  install_dir : plugins_install_dir,

I encountered errors after doing /meson build && ninja -C build/:
gst-template/build/../gst-plugin/src/gsthelloworld.c:184: undefined
reference to `GST_HELLOWORLD'

**there are multiple lines of the same errors happen at different part of
the source file.

I cant seem to find the declaration of *GST_HELLOWORLD* in either source
Looking at the tutorial in
I can see that there would be a declaration of macro that follows the
similar naming convention with mine being HelloWorld while the provided
sample being MyFilter.
/#define GST_MY_FILTER(obj) \

However, I see none of the macro in the generated source files. So, I guess
it might have been written at somewhere as the template provided in form of
/gstplugin.c/ and /gstplugin.h/ looks very similar to the generated source
files and can be compiled successfully if I remove my sample plugin from the
build file.

Thus, is there any step I miss that is relevant for the compilation?

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