Pipeline IPC advice

Michael Gruner michael.gruner at ridgerun.com
Wed May 20 21:39:32 UTC 2020

> On May 20, 2020, at 14:47, Olivier Crête <olivier.crete at collabora.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Those different plugins "inter" plugins all have different purposes and use-cases:
> 1. inter {video,audio,subtitle}{sink,src} are meant to be used between pipelines in the same process to send raw buffers. The "src" element behave like live sources and pick up the newest buffer from the sink. So the consumer doesn't block the producer.
> 2. Ridgerun's interpipe forwards the whole gstreamer flow, so it couples the pipelines a bit more than the upstream inter* elements. I think the big difference is that they block the sender pipeline if the receiver is too slow (so the pipelines act as one longer pipeline from that point of view). They also forwards events and caps negotiation unlike
> 3. ipcpipeline (formerly interpipeline) is meant to separate pipelines between processes in a master/slave configuration where the application deals with the master pipeline as if it was a normal GStreamer pipeline.
> And Ridgerun never really submitted their code for upstream inclusion, which is why it's not there! They filed a ticket 4 years ago with a giant patch, but it was never reviewed... I guess if they want to upstream it, they should probably re-submit as a GitLab Merge Request.
> Ref: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gst-plugins-bad/-/issues/382

Will do! 

> Olivier
>> On Wed, 2020-05-20 at 09:12 -0700, Alex Wolfe wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a few questions about joining pipelines via IPC. What is the difference between the gstinter plugin included in gst-plugins-bad  and the gst-interpipe plugin by RidgeRun? Also, is there a reason why the latter is not included in the gstreamer plugin packages? Is one preferred over the other to chain different pipeline processes?
>> https://github.com/RidgeRun/gst-interpipe
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
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> -- 
> Olivier Crête
> olivier.crete at collabora.com
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