Could not link autovideosink to filesink
vexado8685 at
Sun Oct 25 06:52:19 UTC 2020
Hey thanks for your help. I am very new so I appreciate the help.
Before asking for help I tried numerous different pipelines, one of which
was what you suggested below. With my Tcpclientsrc and one with videotestsrc
to see what would happen.
I get an error when I utilized "videotestsrc num-buffers=1 ! jpegenc !
filesink location=screenshot.jpeg"
"app_function Could not retrieve video sink"
I should mention that am utilizing a modified version of a Gstreamer
tutorial: It can be found here.
When I attempt to add autovideosink, The error I get is:
"gst_parse_perform_link could not link autovideosink to filesink"
I have tried so many different combinations and potential solutions that I
am beginning to believe I need to modify the original code in some form
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