Problems building gst-build with mason

Raul Mansilla Soto raul.mansilla at
Fri Sep 11 12:46:02 UTC 2020

I think I´ve found the problem, and it was releted to pluggins’ paths so I did it this way finally:

RUN git clone && \
    cd gst-build && \
    /root/.local/bin/meson build --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib --buildtype=debug

RUN cd gst-build && ninja -C build
RUN cd gst-build && ninja -C build install

RUN export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib
RUN export GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH_1_0=/usr/lib/gstreamer-1.0
RUN export GST_PLUGIN_PATH=/usr/lib/gstreamer-1.0/
RUN export GST_PLUGIN_SCANNER=/usr/libexec/gstreamer-1.0/gst-plugin-scanner


De: gstreamer-devel <gstreamer-devel-bounces at> En nombre de Raul Mansilla Soto
Enviado el: viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2020 10:46
Para: gstreamer-devel at
Asunto: Problems building gst-build with mason

Hello all,

I´m trying to build a docker image of gstreamer 1.18.0 but I´m finding some problems with the plugins as gst-launch can´t find a lot of them, it is the first time I´m trying to build gstreamer so maybe I´m doing wrong things, can anyone help me? Though I´m reading the docs and searching the web I´m not able to get somethin running. This is my dockerfile:

FROM ubuntu:rolling
RUN apt-get -y update
# Install dependencies
RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y \
    build-essential \
    python3 \
    git \
    ninja-build \
    bison \
    flex \
    libmount-dev \
    pkg-config \
    autoconf \
    automake \
    autopoint \
    libtool \
    yasm \
    nasm \
    git-core \
    gettext \
    libegl1-mesa-dev \
    libgl1-mesa-dev \
    libgles2-mesa-dev \
    libavfilter-dev \
    libglib2.0-dev \
    libgirepository1.0-dev \
    libpthread-stubs0-dev \
    libssl-dev \
    liborc-dev \
    libmpg123-dev \
    libmp3lame-dev \
    libsoup2.4-dev \
    libshout3-dev \
    libpulse-dev \
    libva-dev \
    libxv-dev \
    libalsa-ocaml-dev \
    libcdparanoia-dev \
    libopus-dev \
    libpango1.0-dev \
    libvisual-0.4-dev \
    libvorbisidec-dev \
    libaa1-dev \
    libcaca-dev \
    libdv4-dev \
    libflac-dev \
    libjack-dev \
    libtag1-dev \
    libdrm-dev \
    libvpx-dev \
    libwavpack-dev \
    libass-dev \
    libzbar-dev \
    libx265-dev \
    libx264-dev \
    libwildmidi-dev \
    libvulkan-dev \
    libx11-dev \
    libxrandr-dev \
    libwayland-dev \
    wayland-protocols \
    libwebp-dev \
    libwebrtc-audio-processing-dev \
    libvdpau-dev \
    libsrtp2-dev \
    libvo-aacenc-dev \
    libvo-amrwbenc-dev \
    libbs2b-dev \
    libdc1394-22-dev \
    libdts-dev \
    libfaac-dev \
    libfaad-dev \
    libfdk-aac-dev \
    libfluidsynth-dev \
    libcurl-ocaml-dev \
    libgme-dev \
    libgsm1-dev \
    librtmp-dev \
    libcurl-ocaml-dev \
    libjpeg-turbo8-dev \
    liba52-0.7.4-dev \
    libcdio-dev \
    libtwolame-dev \
    libx264-dev \
    libmpeg2-4-dev \
    libsidplay1-dev \
    gobject-introspection \
    libudev-dev \
    python3-pip \
    python3-gi \
    python-gi-dev \
    graphviz \
    libopencv-dev \
RUN pip3 install --user meson
RUN git clone -b 1.18 && \
    cd gst-build && \
    /root/.local/bin/meson build --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib --buildtype=release \
    -D ugly=enabled -D bad=enabled -D good=enabled -D base=enabled \
    -D gst-plugins-ugly:x264enc=enabled
RUN cd gst-build && ninja -C build
RUN cd gst-build && ninja -C build install
RUN cd gst-build && ninja -C build uninstalled
RUN export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib
RUN export GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH_1_0=$GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH_1_0:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0
RUN export GST_PLUGIN_SCANNER=/usr/libexec/gstreamer-1.0/gst-plugin-scanner

 and normally this is what I get when I try to do something easy:

docker run --net=host --rm -it gstreamer:v1.18 gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! x264enc ! rtph264pay config-interval=3 ! rtpsink uri=rtp://<>
WARNING: erroneous pipeline: no element "x264enc"

docker run --net=host --rm -it gstreamer:v1.18 gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! autovideosink
WARNING: erroneous pipeline: no element "autovideosink"

docker run --net=host --rm -it gstreamer:v1.18 gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc num-buffers=1 ! fakevideosink
WARNING: erroneous pipeline: no element "fakevideosink"

Thanks a lot for your help as you can see I´m a little bit lost.


Raúl Mansilla.
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