Problems with multicast RTSP stream if no default gateway is defined

Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia guille.rodriguez at
Thu Sep 17 13:03:36 UTC 2020

Hi all,

I am trying to play a multicast RTSP stream using GStreamer and I am
seeing some unexpected behaviour. This is a simplified version of the
pipeline I am using:

gst-launch-1.0 rtspsrc location=rtsp:// ! rtph264depay !
avdec_h264 ! videoconvert ! videoscale ! fakesink

The RTSP source and the machine running GStreamer are both in an
isolated LAN ( There is no "default gateway" defined.

The above pipeline results in errors ("Error joining multicast group:
No such device").

0:00:00.146730467  [333m 2432 [00m 0x55d24c1894a0  [33;01mWARN    [00m
 [00m              udpsrc
gstudpsrc.c:1582:gst_udpsrc_open:<udpsrc0> [00m error: could not add
membership: Error joining multicast group: No such device
0:00:00.146782947  [333m 2432 [00m 0x55d24c1894a0  [31;01mERROR   [00m
 [00m              udpsrc
gstudpsrc.c:1661:gst_udpsrc_close:<udpsrc0> [00m Failed to leave
multicast group: Error leaving multicast group: No such device
0:00:00.147097556  [333m 2432 [00m 0x55d24c1894a0  [33;01mWARN    [00m
 [00m              udpsrc
gstudpsrc.c:1582:gst_udpsrc_open:<udpsrc1> [00m error: could not add
membership: Error joining multicast group: No such device
0:00:00.147154020  [333m 2432 [00m 0x55d24c1894a0  [31;01mERROR   [00m
 [00m              udpsrc
gstudpsrc.c:1661:gst_udpsrc_close:<udpsrc1> [00m Failed to leave
multicast group: Error leaving multicast group: No such device
0:00:00.148073188  [333m 2432 [00m 0x55d24c1894a0  [31;01mERROR   [00m
 [00m             rtspsrc
gstrtspsrc.c:4640:gst_rtspsrc_stream_configure_udp_sinks:<rtspsrc0> [00m
failed to create socket
0:00:00.148101780  [333m 2432 [00m 0x55d24c1894a0  [33;01mWARN    [00m
 [00m             rtspsrc
gstrtspsrc.c:4744:gst_rtspsrc_stream_configure_transport:<rtspsrc0> [00m
failed to configure transport

I thought that this was because rtspsrc didn't know which interface to
use for multicast. So I tried:

gst-launch-1.0 rtspsrc multicast-iface=enp0s3 ! ....

This doesn't work either, although a different error is reported:

Progress: (open) Opened Stream
Setting pipeline to PLAYING ...
New clock: GstSystemClock
Progress: (request) Sending PLAY request
Progress: (request) Sending PLAY request
0:00:00.154308014  [335m 3790 [00m 0x7fdd44031a30  [33;01mWARN    [00m
 [00m        multiudpsink
gstmultiudpsink.c:686:gst_multiudpsink_send_messages:<udpsink0> [00m
warning: Error sending UDP packets
0:00:00.154344693  [335m 3790 [00m 0x7fdd44031a30  [33;01mWARN    [00m
 [00m        multiudpsink
gstmultiudpsink.c:686:gst_multiudpsink_send_messages:<udpsink0> [00m
warning: client, reason: Error sending message: Network
is unreachable
WARNING: from element
/GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstRTSPSrc:rtspsrc0/GstUDPSink:udpsink0: Error
sending UDP packets
Additional debug info:
../gst/udp/gstmultiudpsink.c(686): gst_multiudpsink_send_messages ():
client, reason: Error sending message: Network is unreachable

If I define a default gateway in the machine running GStreamer, then
everything works.

Is this normal? Why do I need a default gateway to be able to send
packets to a multicast address (which is not routed anywhere) ?

Best regards,

Guillermo Rodriguez Garcia
guille.rodriguez at

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