"kmssink" can't display to multiple displays or planes at once

Dan Egnor egnor at ofb.net
Tue Aug 10 08:17:59 UTC 2021

Check me on this: Each instance of the "kmssink" element is an independent
DRM client (calls drmOpen() to assign self->fd). This means that only one
"kmssink" element can be active for a particular video card at any one time
on the entire system... right?

Reasons you'd want to have multiple "kmssink" elements running:
- render to different planes for hardware compositing of video/image streams
- render to different display outputs for multiheaded display
- render to different parts of the display for hardware video tiling

I could imagine coordinating device access (sharing the fd) across the
whole process, so at least within a single process multiple instances could
be created for the same card. Would that be... sensible?

-- egnor
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