Firewall port (ranges) for webrtcbin?
Florian Echtler
floe at
Mon Aug 30 10:30:11 UTC 2021
Thanks, that should be the right direction, but apparently my webrtcbin doesn't
have an ice-agent property?
Here's the list of properties I get:
[<GParamString 'name'>, <GParamObject 'parent'>, <GParamBoolean
'async-handling'>, <GParamBoolean 'message-forward'>, <GParamEnum
'connection-state'>, <GParamEnum 'signaling-state'>, <GParamEnum
'ice-gathering-state'>, <GParamEnum 'ice-connection-state'>, <GParamBoxed
'local-description'>, <GParamBoxed 'remote-description'>, <GParamString
'stun-server'>, <GParamString 'turn-server'>, <GParamEnum 'bundle-policy'>,
<GParamEnum 'ice-transport-policy'>]
So how do I get the (N)ICE agents?
Best, Florian
On 27/08/2021 15:20, Nicolas Dufresne wrote:
> Le vendredi 27 août 2021 à 13:06 +0200, Florian Echtler via gstreamer-devel a
> écrit :
>> Hello everyone,
>> I can't really find any information on what UDP port ranges webrtcbin from
>> 1.16.2 will use. Obviously, I need 3478 for STUN, but what else?
> By default, there is no specific range. WebRTC will of-course need to access
> external resource like STUN or in worst cases TURN servers, your signalling will
> likely need HTTP on port 80/443, but ICE protocol will try and manage punching a
> whole through your firewall assuming it's configured adequately (automatically
> open UDP socket return port).
> If you still need to control the range, you'll have to get access to the ICE
> agent, and configure it, see nice_agent_set_port_range().
>> Thanks and best, Florian
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