Why do these two Gstreamer pipelines work fine separately, but fail when tee'd from the source?

gotsring gotsring at live.com
Tue Feb 2 18:23:30 UTC 2021

Can anyone else comment?

At least for me (Gst 1.18.2 on Windows 10 using local IP camera) the
pipelines fail to start because mp4mux can't negotiate caps successfully, I
suspect because of the codec_data cap. The warnings for this were displayed
running when running with gst-debug=3.

I don't know enough about codec_data on whether this is required or if it
can be stripped by another element. This is the pipeline that worked for me,
though not ideal:
gst-launch-1.0 rtspsrc location='rtsp://' latency=100 !
rtph264depay ! h264parse ! nvh264dec ! videoconvert ! nvh264enc ! mp4mux !
filesink location=test.mp4

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