webrtc: Padname src_0 is not unique in element webrtcbin0, not adding

coreykernel corey at kernellabs.io
Sat Jan 9 01:22:48 UTC 2021

Hey Anton,

Did you ever resolve your issue. I'm getting a similar mline error when I
try to send a 2nd offer after adding the new stream:

webrtc_sink = gst_element_get_request_pad(webrtc, "sink_1");
ret = gst_pad_link(q3_src, webrtc_sink);
g_assert_cmphex(ret, ==, GST_PAD_LINK_OK);
promise = gst_promise_new_with_change_func(on_offer_created, NULL, NULL);
g_signal_emit_by_name(G_OBJECT(webrtc), "create-offer", NULL, promise);

The on_offer_created callback is never called and I get an error:

assertion failed: (trans->mline == -1 || trans->mline == media_idx)
Bail out!
assertion failed: (trans->mline == -1 || trans->mline == media_idx)

Do I need to remove the original stream that I am replacing? Or is it OK to
send two streams to the peer?

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