best way to 'relay' a stream between processes

Marianna Smidth Buschle msb at
Thu Sep 30 07:36:54 UTC 2021

> Hi Eslam, thanks that was indeed what I was expecting. However from these examples and this fdin I should assume I can not use this option with gst-launch not? Or can I work around this with something like mkfifo?

If you use python and 'Gst.parse_launch("")' then it is just as easy and 
fast as using 'gst-launch'

Also I think we have tried something similar at some point using 
fdsink/src but I don't think I have the code anymore

I have also come across this at some point: 
but haven't tried myself

We have also looked at how to best split pipelines between or within 

We have also tried like you to use udpsrc/sink to relay data but found 
that the overhead was too big even within localhost.

In the end we decided to keep things inside the same process but to 
decouple the pipelines internally just to avoid errors in one breaking 
the other ones and generally to ease debugging.

For that purpose we are now currently using interpipesrc/sink (from 
RidgeRun) but have also looked at proxysrc/sink and intervideosrc/sink.

Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
“Marianna Smidth Buschle”

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