Replacing udpsrc with appsrc results in freezing

Kevin Wang kevmo314 at
Tue Feb 1 02:31:41 UTC 2022

I'm trying to use appsrc to pipe RTP packets into and out of gstreamer.
Reading from an appsink works great, however when I pass an RTP packet to
an appsrc I notice that the video has a tough time keeping up with
playback, and in particular freezes for the first ~0.5s after displaying
the first frame.

My sending pipeline:

videotestsrc is-live=true ! x264enc speed-preset=veryfast tune=zerolatency
! rtph264pay mtu=1200 ! appsink

and my receiving pipeline

appsrc format=time is-live=true block=true !
application/x-rtp,encoding-name=H264 ! rtph264depay ! queue ! decodebin !

What works is changing appsrc to udpsrc and then sending the packet through
a UDP connection instead. I'm not sure why though, and there aren't any
warnings or errors in the debug logs.

Is there a way to make appsrc behave like udpsrc? Or any ideas why this is

Thanks in advance,
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