gst-rtsp-server: Potential conflict between two instances of libgio-2.0

Chris Hallinan challinan at
Sat Feb 26 20:22:24 UTC 2022

One of the very last steps of building gst-rtsp-server is apparently
generation of GstRtspServer-1.0.gir file.  I encountered the following

$ meson compile

[104/105] Generating gst/rtsp-server/GstRtspServer-1.0.gir with a custom

objc[99024]: Class GNotificationCenterDelegate is implemented in both
/usr/local/opt/glib/lib/libgio-2.0.0.dylib (0x10ebb7338) and
(0x10e112560). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

I have Gstreamer Framework's version of pkgconfig first in my
$PKG_CONFIG_PATH, so in theory, any related build should grab the version
from the Framework, but that's an assumption - I don't know how the various
tools search $PKG_CONIG_PATH.

I have glib installed via brew because it is a dependency of several
packages including gobject-introspection.

Is this something I should be concerned about?

Any advice/comments?


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