Building gstreamer for arm64v8

Nirbheek Chauhan nirbheek.chauhan at
Sat Jan 29 09:07:02 UTC 2022

On Sat, Jan 29, 2022 at 4:43 AM David Ing via gstreamer-devel
<gstreamer-devel at> wrote:
> I am thinking about creating a build for fedora.
> Does anyone have a Docker recipe for building gstreamer 1.18 (or main branch) for arm64v8?

No, but nothing special is needed if you're building natively. If
you're cross-compiling, you probably want a cross file like this:

You will need to edit the paths to point to the right places for Fedora.

> Would I use Fedora 31 for Gstreamer 1.18?

Just use the latest Fedora.

> Which version of Fedora would I use for Gstreamer main branch?

Same. The stable branch and the latest development are both tested
regularly by developers who use the latest Fedora. Older stable
branches will also probably work, but it's not guaranteed because no
one is checking.

> Are the current gstreamer recipes still here?

If you're looking for CI scripts, they're at

See .gitlab-ci.yml and ci/*


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