Failed to allocate required memory

James Linder jam at
Tue Nov 22 05:10:49 UTC 2022

I have a NUC, video mem is maxed out at 256M. It is using 1.6G of 8G ram.
None of the google answers is on the right track for me.

I have an app that previews or records 1..4 streams.
Any one channel works perfectly, but any second channel unleases the error.

My code is compiled in, but is essentially this (for record, ithout the 2nd tee branch for preview.
I prefer control oh each line, but if need I’d gine it up and have a single line.

Can anybody suggest *where to look*

———————— test pipeline (that soes work if no other pipeline is running)

gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video8 ! image/jpeg,framerate=30/1 \
	! jpegdec ! \
        videoconvert ! \
queue max-size-buffers=0 max-size-bytes=0 max-size-time=1000000000 ! \
gdkpixbufoverlay location=rennisons.png alpha=0.5 offset-x=1800 offset-y=900 ! \
clockoverlay halignment=left valignment=top draw-outline=true font-desc="Sans, 12" time-format="%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S" ! \
textoverlay text="This is Line 1"               deltay=50  halignment=left valignment=top font-desc="Sans, 10"            draw-outline=true ! \
textoverlay text="Line 2"               deltay=100 halignment=left valignment=top font-desc="Sans, 10"                    draw-outline=true ! \
textoverlay text="Look it works" deltax=50 deltay=150 halignment=left valignment=top font-desc="Cantarell Oblique Medium 20" draw-outline=true ! \
textoverlay                             deltay=200 halignment=left valignment=top font-desc="Sans, 10"                    draw-outline=true ! \
textoverlay text="Line 5"               deltay=250 halignment=left valignment=top font-desc="Sans, 10"                    draw-outline=true ! \
textoverlay                             deltay=300 halignment=left valignment=top font-desc="Sans, 10"                    draw-outline=true ! \
textoverlay                             deltay=350 halignment=left valignment=top font-desc="Sans, 10"                    draw-outline=true ! \
textoverlay                             deltay=400 halignment=left valignment=top font-desc="Sans, 10"                    draw-outline=true ! \
textoverlay text="Why"                  deltay=450 halignment=left valignment=top font-desc="Sans, 10"                    draw-outline=true ! \
textoverlay text="Line 10"              deltay=500 halignment=left valignment=top font-desc="AdobeTimes Bold 10"          draw-outline=true ! \
        tee name=t \
	t. ! queue ! xvimagesink sync=false \
        t. ! queue ! \
	x264enc speed-preset=ultrafast tune=zerolatency byte-stream=true bitrate=4000 ! \
	mpegtsmux name=mux ! \
	filesink location='try5.mp4'

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