can not find webrtcdsp and webrtcechoprobe for windows

Nicolas Dufresne nicolas at
Thu Feb 16 18:32:21 UTC 2023

Le jeudi 16 février 2023 à 17:29 +0800, 养猪小户 a écrit :
> Thank you Nicolas! I tried to include these 2 plugins in gst by my own, but
> failed. First I tried to "meson -Dwebrtcdsp=enabled build" to enable it, but
> it turns out missing dependency of webrtc-audio-processing. Then I tried meson
> build under gst-build\subprojects\webrtc-audio-processing, but it failed in
> "ninja -C build". It is first time I build gst, anyone can give a guide on how
> to build webrtcdsp and webrtcechoprobe with msvc?

Please use main branch of gstreamer/ repo, we no longer have a split gst-build
repo. This will get you the most up-to-date GStreamer. You can checkout a
release tag if you prefer a more stable setup (or need to match an existing

Subprojects are build as part of the main build, you should not try to build
them manually. webrtc-audio-processing library depends on gnutls, so unless you
have that built on the side, it won't work magically. Best would be to move on
to using cerbero build system, re-enable webrtcdsp there, and fix any issues
that you see.

> Many thanks.
> Sean
> ------------------ Original ------------------
> From: "Nicolas Dufresne" <nicolas at>;
> Date: Sat, Jan 28, 2023 08:38 PM
> To: "Discussion of the development of and with
> GStreamer"<gstreamer-devel at>;
> Cc: "养猪小户"<7293383 at>;
> Subject: Re: can not find webrtcdsp and webrtcechoprobe for windows
> Le sam. 28 janv. 2023, 06 h 30, 养猪小户 via gstreamer-devel
> <gstreamer-devel at> a écrit :
> > Hi all,
> > I installed gstreamer-1.0-msvc-x86_64-1.22.0.msi and gstreamer-1.0-devel-
> > msvc-x86_64-1.22.0.msi both for complete mode. But in gst-inspect-1.0.exe I
> > still cannot find webrtcdsp and webrtcechoprobe. Some other plugins in bad
> > plugins can be found, what should I do to install these 2 plugins?
> I believe there was build issue of that in msvc (path too long?), So it has
> been disabled, someone should probably give that a look again, I was told
> meson have had some improvement for these cases.
> Meanwhile, it should be available in the mingw builds for your convenience.
> Nicolas
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Sean

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