Screen grabbing on DRM protected contents.

James jam at
Mon Feb 20 22:29:58 UTC 2023

> On 21 Feb 2023, at 2:38 am, Nicolas Dufresne via gstreamer-devel <gstreamer-devel at> wrote:
> Le lundi 20 février 2023 à 17:33 +0100, Davide Perini via gstreamer-devel a
> écrit :
>> Hi all,
>> will GStreamer ever be able to record the screen while playing DRM 
>> protected contents like
>> Amazon Prime Video, Netflix and others?
>> I don't want to pirate that contents, I only want to consume the content 
>> for my Luciferin ambilight software.
> Platform with DRM content support have hardware security, you will be able to
> record the protected content if that security is weak, otherwise, no. GStreamer
> is just a user of the operating system. If the operating system does not want
> you to have access to the content, then it won't have access to it.

To justify: I recorded, OTA, a movie but due to the Australian Open being overtime my 20 min buffer was 3 min too short so I recorded the end from amazon prime like so:

Windows VM playing full screen then screencapture of the VM session, bit of fiddling to get the audio (linux VM won't play DRM: Chrome ??)

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