How can I install WebRTCSink on Ubuntu 22.04

GST Developer gstreamer at
Tue Jul 4 12:37:16 UTC 2023

Many Thanks Matthieu !!!

Using ubuntu 22,04LTS, it takes a few quirks, such as not installing meson with apt (since that gets 0.61.2 which causes an error later), instead using 
pip3 install --user meson==0.62.0
and later maybe editing a few files to stop hard coded links to /usr/bin/meson from failing ‘;
Perhaps a few other tweaks, sorry I have done so many i dont have a list
Then finally adding the path using export GST_PLUGIN_PATH

Finally, webrtcsink is available in gst-inspect-1.0 !!

However, I try an example found online: 
gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,width=1024,height=768,framerate=30/1 ! timeoverlay ! x264enc ! rtph264pay config-interval=1 pt=96 ! webrtcsink
and I get an error:
WARNING: erroneous pipeline: could not link rtph264pay0 to rswebrtcsink0

realistically I guess really I want something more like this example I found which seems to have some addressing info : 
gst-launch-1.0 -v videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,width=640,height=480 ! x264enc ! rtph264pay ! application/x-rtp,media=video,encoding-name=H264,payload=96 ! rswebrtcsink uri=ws://localhost:8080/stream
but this uses something called “rswebrtcsink”….which doesnt exist...

Ultimately what I would like is to run a gstreamer pipeline which ends in a webrtcsink, so I can connect a browser directly,  ideally with the webrtcsink providing the encoding, the signalling, everything needed to get the picture into the browser.   Perhaps I misunderstand the capabilities, but the various data I can find suggests this is possible.

Could you advise a simple syntax to send a test audio and video stream to a browser using webrtcsink ?

Many, many thanks for your help.

> On 4 Jul 2023, at 11:50, Mathieu Duponchelle <mathieu at> wrote:
> Compiling the webrtc crate after compiling gstreamer from source and
> entering the uninstalled environment should work, if you encounter
> issues please file them on gitlab with steps to reproduce.
> As for installing GStreamer with webrtcsink included, I don't know if
> distributions actually package gst-plugins-rs to be honest :)
> On Mon, 2023-07-03 at 18:25 +0100, GST Developer via gstreamer-devel
> wrote:
>> Hi Folks.
>> I am attempting to use WebRTCSink on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, but despite 2
>> days trial and error I have yet to find any way to install it.
>> I have tried following guidance for installation of all the plug in
>> groups via apt install, and also compiling gstreamer from source, but
>> whilst I can use webrtcbin, none of my attempts have yet found
>> webrtcsink to be available.
>> I also went down the root of trying to compile
>> from
>> ain/net/webrtc
>> but this tends to get hung up on now having the correct version of
>> various gstreamer or other components.
>> Is there a simple way to install GStreamer with WebRTCSink included ?
>> Many thanks for any clues !

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