[Windows] Building nvcodec from source

Ilya Aleshkov ilya.aleshkov at gmail.com
Thu May 16 21:23:14 UTC 2024


I'm looking for a way to configure a build (1.24.3) with meson.
Previously (1.21.3 - 1.22.9) I used the following command line:

meson --buildtype=release -Dauto_features=disabled
-Dgstreamer:tools=disabled -Dbase=enabled -Dgst-plugins-base:gl=enabled
-Dgst-plugins-base:gl_api=opengl -Dgst-plugins-base:gl_winsys=win32
-Dbad=enabled -Dgst-plugins-bad:gl=enabled
-Dgst-plugins-bad:nvcodec=enabled {path_to_GStreamer_sources}

Now I'm getting the error:

Problem encountered: The nvcodec was enabled explicitly, but required
gstcuda dependency is not found

What have I missed? I'd be very grateful for any help.

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