HAL methods at storage device level, to mount/unmount/eject volumes

David Zeuthen david at fubar.dk
Mon Dec 12 08:53:17 PST 2005

On Sat, 2005-12-10 at 15:25 +0100, Danny Kukawka wrote:
> > Am I missing something? I really don't see use cases for the fs type
> > parameter...
> *?*

So I think Ervin got a good point here. Really, all the desktop wants to
do is to mount some physical volume into the file-system and that's it.

Hence, the suggestion about moving policy-decision about whether to use
the in-kernel ntfs driver or the captive user-space stuff, down to the
hal helper script for mounting sounds pretty good to me. You can even
test for the presence of these tools and it'll just work even if the
user installs this post-OS-installation.

What is wrong with doing that?


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