First try at improving hal's device mapper support

David Zeuthen david at
Thu Jan 6 21:11:13 PST 2005

Hi Sjoerd,

sorry for the lag - I've been in Bugville and back. Somehow I think I
to go back there again soon :-)

Comments inline

On Tue, 2005-01-04 at 20:14 +0100, Sjoerd Simons wrote: 
> > > I would like things to be represented in hal the right way without forcing
> > > the user to use certain tools/naming convetions. In my view everything in
> > > hal should just work without relying on userspace conventions.
> > > 
> > 
> > It sounds dangerous to me to assume that the mapping the user sets up,
> > via dmsetup is LVM2, just because the physical volume backing it is the
> > source. What if the user is creating another mapping? Then we would end
> > up erroneously adding a hal device object of capability 'volume',
> > wouldn't that be bad? 
> Don't understand what you mean with ``volume backing it is the source'' 

OK, so what I basically mean is that just because hald sees that 
/block/sda/sda1 is the source of a mapping that involves /block/dm-0 it
doesn't mean we should go ahead and add a hal device object representing
/block/dm-0. The reason I think this is dangerous is that there is no
to tell why there is this mapping; it might be anything. 

> > Also, one good reason to rely on the name is a contract: If you use that
> > kind of name, then you have to make sure that all sources are added to
> > the mapping (using the suitable LVM2 userspace tools) and you guarantee
> > to not change the mapping again.
> Iirc the power of lvm2 comes from changing the mapping right.. So why you want
> to do that as a contract ? Could you explain what guarantees we could get from
> such a contract, which are needed for hal to support devmapper/lvm2 the right
> way ?

What I'm concerned about is just adding device objects for any random 
device-mapper device and let them go through the whole fstab-sync/
g-v-m/mount chain. 

However, if there is a way to check that a given device mapper device
do correspond to a LVM2 volume (and judging from Alasdair's mail it
seems there is, yes?) that we already probed a physical volume for
in hald (e.g. there exists a volume.lvm2.uuid property of the same 
value or something), then sure, let's add it and put it through
the fstab-sync/g-v-m/mount chain. See below for more detailed thinking
about that.

Also, I'm not sure what happens when the mapping is modified; ideally,
it should mean that the old device mapper device disappears and a new 
one is added? I'm sure some experiments could tell us?

> > Apart from your general concern about not relying on user space
> > conventions, do you see any problems with this? I envision we'll just be
> > shipping callouts (like fstab-sync) to set up all of this and, voila, we
> > have plug and play of LVM2 arrays. Just works. Do you think this is a
> > bad idea?
> Having stuff just work is always okay :).. But i would like hal to always have
> a sensible representation of the system, no matter how it is setup. 

Sure, me too, I just don't want to break anything along the way :-)

> What you could do is to tag volumes that follow your ``contract'' tagged in 
> someway by hal... So some tools using hal can choose to only handle those 
> volumes and other can still have a sensible represantation of all volumes.
> > > I don't understand what you mean with fake parents, but it sounds wrong :) 
> > >   
> > 
> > For what's it worth we also add "fake" hal device objects of capability
> > 'volume' when we discover that there is a disc in your optical drive.
> > Perhaps fake is the wrong word to use here, my bad. It's just about
> > sticking the view of hardware that hal exposes.
> Oh, you mean the devices that hal-device-manager called virtual. Then i
> understand what you mean :)

That was actually a different thing... of the past.. :-)

> > Anyway - you pretty much have to create a hal device object of
> > capability storage in order to cover LVM2 volumes; e.g. the hal device
> > objects of capability 'volume' that we create when we see
> > e.g. /dev/dm-0. Because, in hal, all volume objects need to reference a
> > storage object.
> > 
> > Now, for crypto mappings it's sane to use the same storage object as the
> > source, because, at the end of the day, it's an operation on the source
> > that is performed (only encrypted). One implication of using the same
> > storage object is that the UI (gnome-vfs for instance) displays the name
> > and the icon suitable for the backing storage device. E.g. you get the
> > USB icon and a sane name. All that jazz. I think that is fine.
> So your encrypted volume will have the ``/dev/sda'' as parent instead of
> ``/dev/dm-0'' for example ?

For encrypted volumes we would use the same block.storage_device as the
physical volume. So it would look like this

- Compact Flash Reader (/dev/sda)
  - Encrypted Volume (/dev/sda1) *
  - Cleartext Volume (/dev/mapper/sesame_crypto_<uuid>)

Now, the only reason we add a device object for


is that the device object for * indeed has a volume.crypto_sesame.uuid
that matches the name.

> > For LVM2 mappings, however, there can be multiple sources, e.g. two
> > different hard drives, and that alone is one reason we cannot use the
> > same storage object - there is more than one.. In addition, it would
> > make more sense to make the UI actually display an icon and name that
> > conveys to the user that this is a logical drive representing a RAID1
> > set or whatever 
> >

This would look like this

- USB Hard disk (/dev/sda)
   - LVM2 physical volume (/dev/sda1) **
- USB Hard disk (/dev/sdb)
   - LVM2 phyiscal volume (/dev/sdb1) ***
- LVM2 Striped disk (/dev/mapper/VolGroupXYZ-LogVolABC)
   - LVM2 Striped volume (/dev/mapper/VolGroupXYZ-LogVolABC)

The only reason we add a device object for the device mapper device


is that the device objects ** and *** above both export sufficient meta
data (volume.lvm2.* properties) that guarantees that 


is indeed representing the logical volumes that these physical volumes
are backing. 

Now, we can't just go ahead and add a 'volume' hal device object without
telling what 'storage' hal device object it stems from; e.g. we need to
set block.storage_device to something reasonable. Why? Because that's
way the device model is designed. You will note that GNOME VFS uses this
so in Nautilus you will see

 Lexar CF Reader: my_volume_label

Similarly, for this example we would show

 Logical Striped Disk : label_of_fs_on_striped_volume

So we just go ahead and create the storage device at the same time we
create the volume. We set the storage.drive_type to striped_disk and
that enables e.g. GNOME VFS to select an appropriate icon. The hal
architecture is indeed designed to allow this (or rather, it happens 
to support it :-). 
> > (e.g. suitable drive icon with RAID1 written all over it and perhaps the
> > icon should be named "High Availability Disk Array: 1.6TB" or "High
> > Performance Disk Array: 240GB" - or whatever UI folks think is sane)
> > 
> > > In the end both methods have the problem that we currently can't represent
> > > a device with multiple parents in hal. Any ideas about that ?
> > > 
> > 
> > Yeah, we just create the parent at the same time we create the volume;
> > e.g. when hald sees /dev/dm-0 and finds out, by looking at the name of
> > the dm target, that it's lvm2-<uuid> two new hal device objects are
> > added
> > 
> >   + Storage  <-- storage.drive_type=lvm2_raid1
> >    + Volume
> > 
> > instead of only one.
> Just to mention another possibility. Would it be possible to redefine
> info.parent as an array (or have info.parents when there are multible)? Seems
> somewhat more natural to me. 

No no. And don't get too attached to info.parent; you shouldn't rely on
parent/child relationships but rather that block.storage_device contains
the UDI of the storage device for this volume. That this also happens to
be the same value as info.parent is just a coincidence.

Phew, that was a long mail. I hope this clarifies how I think we should
approach enabling plug-and-play of LVM2.


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