A minor problem w/ access to my flash drive

Bob Billing bob at tnglwood.demon.co.uk
Mon Jan 24 02:36:18 PST 2005

Pozsar Balazs wrote:

> Maybe hal could have a list about non-card-readers, and not poll
> them? (whitelisting). That would seem a good idea to me.

To a first approximation it may be possible to cash in on the fact that
most card readers have multiple LUNs but memory sticks only have a
single LUN.

Robert Billing,                   Tanglewood,
01344-772849                      64, Pinehill Road,
rbilling at tnglwood.demon.co.uk     Crowthorne,
http://www.tnglwood.demon.co.uk/  Berks, RG45 7JR

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