creating SYNC option for all USB devices in hal 0.0.4-10

David Zeuthen david at
Mon Oct 17 08:45:40 PDT 2005

On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 20:13 +0800, Saimun Cheng wrote:
> Because mounting and unmounting should be transparent to them, I would
> like to ensure that after Users saved their files, the files get
> flushed immediately to thumbdrive. I think SYNC is the option for
> that.

Not with recent Linux kernels, it'll make reading/writing go much slower
than without sync. This problem is just difficult to solve really -
suggest to put up signs saying "don't remove drive while you are saving
your documents and/or the LED is on".

> I know /etc/fstab cannot be modified and it's to do
> with /hal/fdi ...blah blah..

You can indeed add your own mount options. Please search the archives.


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