why USB disk cann't be automounted under console terminal

David Zeuthen david at fubar.dk
Thu Aug 3 07:50:31 PDT 2006


This will be resolved when we have the infrastructure to reliably track
what user sessions are available / active. It's a difficult problem to
solve, some notes on page 23 of.


With this, g-v-m (or whatever automounter you use) will be able to
enforce policy when no-one is logged in. And that policy can be rich,
e.g. it's not unlikely someone is going to add options

 [ ] Share removable media on the network
 [ ] Share external media on the network

to g-v-m and then we can share these via e.g. mDNS. This would be nice
for e.g. servers.

The whole question does beg for consideration of how applicable this is
to normal users. Most people just log in in order to get their work


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