0.5.8 goals and TODO list updated

Richard Hughes hughsient at gmail.com
Mon Aug 21 09:42:03 PDT 2006

On Mon, 2006-08-21 at 12:37 -0400, David Zeuthen wrote:
> So let's get that tool and list into the hal tree.

Any idea of a name or location?

> Btw, the tool right
> now uses
>  fdidir="/usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor"
>  fdifile="$fdidir/10-video-power-policy.fdi"
> which is wrong. It should be 
>  fdidir="/etc/hal/fdi/information"
>  fdifile="$fdidir/10-video-power-policy-from-$toolname.fdi"
> as this is the designated location for user generated files. 

Yes, sounds good to me.

> Perhaps you also want the tool to try to run pm-utils with these
> parameters to actually try it out before writing the file... so you want
> that tool to be installed into /sbin so users can test it with
> init=/bin/bash from grub in case they go hunting for broken drivers.

Sounds like a plan.

> > The biggest problem with using that tool or adding the pre-populated
> > list is that they require installed versions of HAL master and pm-utils
> > HEAD.
> That's fine, I want 0.5.8 to depend on a released version of pm-utils.
> Which may be a little chicken and egg since you want pm-utils to depend
> on a released version of HAL :-). 
> However, since pm-utils should be able to work without hald being
> available (and the dependency should be optional), I say you should
> release first.. certainly any changes you need in HAL, I'm ready to make
> them :-)
> What do you think?

I think we need a tarball release of pm-utils :-)

Thanks for your help with this.


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